FAQS - Location Singapore Hotel

Hotel Miramar


How long it takes to travel from Changi International airport to hotel by taxi and approximately how much it will cost?
It will take about 25 minutes by taxi service and cost between $25.00 to $35.00 Singapore dollars depending on the traffic conditions and type of taxi services.
Does the hotel provides complimentary airport transfers?
No, our hotel does not provide complimentary airport transfers.
How do I get to the hotel from Changi airport?
The best option to travel to the airport would be to engage a taxi service or private car limousine. Alternatively, guests may book an airport bus service. Please approach our Reception for any assistance.
What are the approximate times to the nearby MRT stations?
These are the approximate timings to the nearby MRT stations:

Havelock MRT - walking 8mins / public transport 4mins
Clarke Quay MRT - walking 18mins / public transport 12mins
Chinatown MRT - walking 18mins / public transport 12mins
Outram Park MRT - public transport 12mins
Tiong Bahru MRT - public transport 12mins

*not including waiting time
Are there parking facilities at the hotel? What is the maximum height limit?
Our hotel has ample parking lots within our hotel's multi-storey car park. The maximum height limit is at 1.90 metres.
Is parking complimentary for room guests?
Parking within our hotel's premises is only complimentary for in-house guests staying at our hotel.